Today: 11 March 2025
Time in Saint-Petersburg:   21:02
Address: 11, Yakovlevskiy lane,
4th floor, St. Petersburg,
196105, Russia
Phone: +7 (812) 327 10 70

Phone: +7 (981) 719 28 28
You can call: 


Discount 5% for members of our groups!

Discount 5%
for members of our groups!

Visa support

Dear guests! From October, 1, 2019 you can get electronic visa to visit Russia, Saint-Petersburg.
Nationals of 53 foreign States may be granted an e-visa to enter Russia.
E-visa is free of charge.
You can get it easily. All information is here:

Dear Guests!

For getting Russian visa you must provide a special document to the Russian consulate – Invitation (visa for 30 days support letter).

Visa Support Letter consists of two parts (This is all you need for the consulate!):

  1. Letter of confirmation from the travel agency which has the permission from the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of Russia to invite foreign tourists (which has valid reference number). This part of visa support letter is written in Russian.
  2. Reservation voucher from the hostel (written in English). In the voucher it is written that all services and accommodation are fully paid. This is just standard sentence, because this is the demand of the consulate.

We provide visa support letter (invitation) for getting Russian visa.

Visa support letter for getting Russian Tourist single-entry visa for 30 days costs Rub 1200.
After your prepayment we make visa support letter and send it by e-mail to you.
This is the document you should take to the Russian consulate when you apply for Russian visa.
We can also make invitation for business visas.

For making visa support letter, please, send e-mail to this address:

For making visa support letter, please, send the following
information to
Last name(s)
First (middle) name(s)
Date of birth:
Passport number:
Date of entry into Russia:
Date of exit from Russia:

Please, check that all information is exactly as in your passport. ] After your prepayment and getting information from you, we shall send scan of visa support letter to you by e-mail. This is the document you need to take to Russian consulate to apply for Russian visa.

Please, pay attention that on you arrival to Saint-Petersburg you should come to our hostel and make registration. Registration fee is Rub 300.